Tuesday, June 16, 2009

100 day celebration

I forgot to post this back when we celebrated our 100th day of school! We celebrated by counting to 100 all different kinds of ways. We counted Cheerios, Kix, M&Ms, Skittles, and gummy bears; we hopped 100 times; we held our breath (tried to, at least) for 100 seconds; sat quietly for 100 seconds; we did 100 jumping jacks; and we talked about what we would buy with $100. This was so much fun and we continued talking about the number 100 the rest of the day. "Mommy, what would you buy if you had $100?", was the question of the day! Or, "Mommy, if you could have 100 of something, what would it be?" Some wise guy said, "I bet she would want 100 children!!!" Ha ha! :0)

here we are ready to count our candy, etc.

everyone chanting/singing "Happy 100 days"!

a bowl of much worked for "loot"

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